Sami ni pondu

Ragam: Shankarabharanam Thalam: Misra Chapu

Arohanam:S R2 G3 M1 P D2 N3 S
Avarohanam: S N3 D2 P M1 G3 R2 S

sAmi nIpondu kOriyuNDina nApai cAla mAlya jEsEvurA

kAmitArtha mosagu karuNA karAscakini

caranam 1
vintagADha munupE guNamulu viniviri nE nendO santatambu
ninnE sarasuDani nammiti pantamElarA nIpadamu trokkinAnu nA

caranam 2
telisiyunna vibhuni kivEmArunE telipincu kopalanA kalasi
nannElura kandapa janakuDau nalinAkSa shrI padmanAbha nA prANEsha


Oh my lord!  I long for you.  Why do you dilly dally me?
You are the one who fulfills all my desires.  You are the embodiment of compassion.
Is it not strange?  I have heard about your excellence many times and believed that you are a good sport.  Why are you so stubborn.  Let me touch your feet.
Due to the arrows of Manmatha, my heart is hurt.  Shall I be able to sleep at night?  Will my longing for you be fulfilled?  Oh, one who stole my sleep! Is it fair on your part to be cruel to us ladies?
Is it required to tell you thousand times who already knows everything? Oh, Father of Cupid!, the one with eyes like lotus petals, Padmanabha! My beloved spouse!  Please come and be with me.