SrI padmanabha kalayitum

Ragam: Madhyamavati Thalam: Misra Chapu

Arohanam:S R2 M1 P N2 S
Avarohanam: S N2 P M1 R2 S

shrI padmaAbha kalayitum tvAm mama cittam paramutkaNThatE

tApasa manOmaya tAmarasa nivasana ApannAdhinivaha haraNa lOkanAyaka

caranam 1
taruNI virahAturA dayitam prOSitamivasaraLa bhrngamAlikA sArasinImiva
para brtatata tiriva vara vAsantika kAlam parama pipAsuri vapAnIyavam su madhuram

caranam 2
cAtakatatiriva jaladamananyaparA jAtagarutOndajA jananImiva vivaSAh
AtapAkulO yathA hantAnAtapadESam sItakaraNcakOraSiSuriva dinamanu

caranam 3
puru hEmantasamayE pUrusha ivAvaranam  varada bhartOdanyA vastsA stanyamiva ca
jarayA pIditO yathA karatalAlamba dandam sarasijanAbha dEva! syAnandUrESa!


Sri Padmanabha! My mind yearns to be merged with your fervently.
You reside in the lotus-like hearts of the sages who meditate upon you.  You destroy all the sorrows.  You are the lord of the world.
I yearn for you, just like the lovelorn maiden longs for her beloved who has left for a distant land, like the swarm of bees hovering over the lotus ponds, just as the koels welcome the spring season and like the most thirsty person longs for a sweet drink.
Like the thirsty Cataka birds await longingly for the dark clouds, as they will not take any other water;  like the fledglings long for their mothers return, as the man weary of the fierce sun longs for the shade, as the bird Coakora longs for the moon.  I long for you always.
Just as the man welcomes a coverlet in winter, like the hungry baby wants the breast of the mother, like the old needs a walking stick, Oh lord of Syanandura! I need you.  Your face resembles the lotus.